Cherry Hill Dental Excellence | Periodontics, Botox for TMJ and Headache Pain and Cosmetic Dentistry

Revitalize Your Smile: Discover Dental Implants

April 30, 2024

Are you tired of living with missing teeth? Do you wish you could enjoy all your favorite foods without worry or concern? At Cherry Hill Dental Excellence, we have the solution for you! Our skilled dental team offers state-of-the-art dental implants to replace missing teeth and rebuild your smile. Say goodbye to traditional bridges and dentures, and hello to a newfound sense of confidence and comfort.

A Revolutionary Approach to Tooth Replacement

Dental implants represent the most advanced system for tooth replacement available today. Unlike conventional fixed bridges and dentures, dental implants closely mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth. They provide unparalleled stability for a wide range of dental prostheses, including crowns and bridges up to a complete set of teeth. Say goodbye to slippage and discomfort with dental implants!

The Versatility of Dental Implants

Single-tooth implant

When a single tooth is missing, a dental implant restored with a crown can replicate the appearance and function of a natural tooth almost perfectly. Unlike traditional bridges that require the preparation and crowning of adjacent teeth, a single-tooth implant acts as a self-supporting entity. This innovative solution allows you to regain your complete and attractive smile without compromising the integrity of your remaining teeth.

Implant-supported fixed bridges

For patients missing multiple teeth, implant-supported fixed bridges offer an excellent alternative to traditional bridges. Unlike conventional bridges that require the preparation and crowning of adjacent natural teeth, an implant-supported bridge relies on strategically placed dental implants for support. This approach not only preserves the health of your surrounding teeth but also provides ongoing bone stimulation to maintain facial contours and prevent bone loss.

Full arch replacement with four or six implants

As an alternative to full dentures, a complete set of replacement teeth supported by four or six dental implants can reestablish a smile that looks, feels, and functions like a natural one. Unlike traditional dentures, this fixed solution eliminates the need for messy adhesives and time-consuming cleaning routines. Say goodbye to slippage and hello to renewed confidence as you speak, smile, and chew with ease.

Implant-retained denture

An implant-retained denture attaches to a select number of strategically placed dental implants in the upper or lower jaw. These surgical posts provide a secure and stable foundation for the overlying denture, eliminating any concerns about slippage or discomfort. With an added level of security, you can smile, speak, and eat with confidence and ease.

If you're struggling with tooth loss and looking for innovative solutions to restore your smile, contact our office today. Our dedicated staff is here to help you explore your options and make an informed decision about the best course of treatment for your unique needs. Don't wait – take the first step towards a confident and healthy smile!

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Cherry Hill Dental Excellence | Periodontal Disease, Orthodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry